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Commit 62bffdd4 authored by Maria Tarasevich's avatar Maria Tarasevich
Browse files

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# vim: et sts=4 ts=4
import argparse
import numpy as np
from supersvd import supersvd
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--type", choices=['real', 'double'], default='real',
help="Data type, default is '%(default)s'")
parser.add_argument("-x", metavar="X.STD", required=True, help="X data input file name")
parser.add_argument("-y", metavar="Y.STD", required=True, help="Y data input file name")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--time", type=int, required=True, help="Length of the time interval")
parser.add_argument("-k", type=int, default=3,
help="Number of singular values, default is %(default)d")
parser.add_argument("-xv", help="X singular vectors output file name, if necessary")
parser.add_argument("-yv", help="Y singular vectors output file name, if necessary")
parser.add_argument("-xc", help="X time coefficients output file name, if necessary")
parser.add_argument("-yc", help="Y time coefficients output file name, if necessary")
parser.add_argument("-stat", help="Correlation and variance values in CSV, if necessary")
parser.add_argument("--dont-subtract-mean", dest="elim_mean", help="Disable subtracting of the time mean from input", action="store_false")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.type == 'real':
dtype = np.float32
dtype = np.float64
t = args.time
X = np.fromfile(args.x, dtype=dtype).reshape(t, -1)
Y = np.fromfile(args.y, dtype=dtype).reshape(t, -1)
svd = supersvd(X, Y, args.k, args.elim_mean)
if args.xv is not None:
if args.yv is not None:
if args.xc is not None:
if args.yc is not None:
if args.stat is not None:
f = open(args.stat, 'w')
for i in range(args.k):
print('Singular value number:', i+1)
corrcoeff = 100 * svd.corrcoeff[i]
x_varfrac = 100 * svd.x_variance_fraction[i]
y_varfrac = 100 * svd.y_variance_fraction[i]
covfrac = 100 * svd.eigenvalue_fraction[i]
if args.stat is not None:
f.write('%d,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % (i+1, corrcoeff, x_varfrac, y_varfrac, covfrac))
print('Time series correlation coefficient:', '%8.4f%%' % corrcoeff)
print(args.x, 'variance fraction:', '%8.4f%%' % x_varfrac)
print(args.y, 'variance fraction:', '%8.4f%%' % y_varfrac)
print('Covariance fraction:', '%8.4f%%' % covfrac)
if args.stat is not None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# vim: ts=4 sts=4 et
import numpy as _np
from scipy.sparse import linalg as _spla
from collections import namedtuple
SuperSvdResult = namedtuple('SuperSvdResult', [
'x_coeff', 'y_coeff', 'corrcoeff',
'x_variance_fraction', 'y_variance_fraction',
'x_vect', 'y_vect', 'eigenvalue_fraction', 'eigenvalues',
def supersvd(X, Y, k=3, eliminate_mean=True):
X and Y - the input data for which correlation is seeked
dim(X) = nT x nX
dim(Y) = nT x nY
nX and nY may be multidimensional
k is the number of seeked pairs
Each array is decomposed into
X[t, i] = Xm[i] + sqrt(size(X)) sum_e XC[e, t] XV[e, i]
Y[t, j] = Ym[j] + sqrt(size(Y)) sum_e YC[e, t] YV[e, j]
Xm[i] = mean(X[t, i], t)
Ym[j] = mean(Y[t, j], t)
||YC[e, :]||_2 = ||XC[e, :]||_2 = 1 for each e
XV and YV form an orthogonal basis, i.e.
sum_i XV[e, i] XV[e', i] = 0
sum_j YV[e, j] YV[e', j] = 0
when e != e'
XC: k x nT
YC: k x nT
XV: k x nX
YV: k x nY
EF: k, fraction of covariance, explained by k-th pair
nTX, *nX = X.shape
nTY, *nY = Y.shape
assert nTX == nTY
nT = nTX
Xorig = X
Yorig = Y
X = Xorig.reshape(nT, -1)
Y = Yorig.reshape(nT, -1)
if eliminate_mean:
X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
Y = Y - Y.mean(axis=0)
# Norming makes eigenvalues ~O(1)
COV = (X.T @ Y) / nT / (X.shape[1] * Y.shape[1])**0.25
U, S, Vt = _spla.svds(COV, k=k)
perm = _np.argsort(-S)
S = S[perm]
XV = U.T[perm, :]
YV = Vt [perm, :]
XC = (XV @ X.T) / _np.sqrt(X.size)
YC = (YV @ Y.T) / _np.sqrt(Y.size)
xnorm = _np.linalg.norm(XC, axis=1)
ynorm = _np.linalg.norm(YC, axis=1)
XC /= xnorm.reshape(-1, 1)
YC /= ynorm.reshape(-1, 1)
XV *= xnorm.reshape(-1, 1)
YV *= ynorm.reshape(-1, 1)
S2 = S**2
EF = S2 / _np.linalg.norm(COV, 'fro')**2
CORR = _np.einsum('ij,ij->i', XC, YC)
Xvar = _np.var(X)
Yvar = _np.var(Y)
Xvar_frac = _np.zeros_like(CORR)
Yvar_frac = _np.zeros_like(CORR)
for e in range(k):
Xvar_frac[e] = _np.var(_np.sqrt(X.size) * _np.outer(XC[e, :], XV[e, :]))
Yvar_frac[e] = _np.var(_np.sqrt(Y.size) * _np.outer(YC[e, :], YV[e, :]))
Xvar_frac /= Xvar
Yvar_frac /= Yvar
return SuperSvdResult(
x_vect=XV.reshape(k, *nX),
y_vect=YV.reshape(k, *nY),
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