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Commit 290e523a authored by Виктория Суязова's avatar Виктория Суязова Committed by Anna Shestakova
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rename to sfx_z0m/z0t

parent 5a4a5e8e
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......@@ -83,10 +83,15 @@ set(SOURCES_F
......@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ module sfx_config
integer, parameter :: model_sheba = 3 !< SHEBA model
integer, parameter :: model_sheba_noit = 4 !< SHEBA model noniterative
integer, parameter :: model_most_snow = 5 !< MOST_SNOW model
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_esm_tag = 'esm'
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_log_tag = 'log'
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_most_tag = 'most'
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_sheba_tag = 'sheba'
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_sheba_noit_tag = 'sheba_noit'
character(len = 16), parameter :: model_most_snow_tag = 'most_snow'
!> @brief dataset enum def.
integer, parameter :: dataset_mosaic = 1 !< MOSAiC campaign
integer, parameter :: dataset_irgason = 2 !< IRGASON data
......@@ -72,7 +76,9 @@ contains
id = model_sheba
else if (trim(tag) == trim(model_sheba_noit_tag)) then
id = model_sheba_noit
end if
else if (trim(tag) == trim(model_most_snow_tag)) then
id = model_most_snow
end if
end function
......@@ -92,6 +98,8 @@ contains
tag = model_sheba_tag
else if (id == model_sheba_noit) then
tag = model_sheba_noit_tag
else if (id == model_most_snow) then
tag = model_most_snow_tag
end if
end function
......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ contains
use sfx_sheba_noniterative, only: &
get_surface_fluxes_vec_sheba_noit => get_surface_fluxes_vec, &
numericsType_sheba_noit => numericsType
use sfx_most_snow, only: &
get_surface_fluxes_vec_most_snow => get_surface_fluxes_vec, &
numericsType_most_snow => numericsType
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename_out
......@@ -63,7 +66,8 @@ contains
type(numericsType_most) :: numerics_most !< surface flux module (MOST) numerics parameters
type(numericsType_sheba) :: numerics_sheba !< surface flux module (SHEBA) numerics parameters
type(numericsType_sheba_noit) :: numerics_sheba_noit !< surface flux module (SHEBA) numerics parameters
type(numericsType_most_snow) :: numerics_most_snow !< surface flux module (MOST_SNOW) numerics parameters
integer :: num !< number of 'cells' in input
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -153,6 +157,8 @@ contains
call get_surface_fluxes_vec_sheba(sfx, meteo, numerics_sheba, num)
else if (model == model_sheba_noit) then
call get_surface_fluxes_vec_sheba_noit(sfx, meteo, numerics_sheba_noit, num)
else if (model == model_most_snow) then
call get_surface_fluxes_vec_most_snow(sfx, meteo, numerics_most_snow, num)
end if
......@@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ contains
write(*, *) ' --help'
write(*, *) ' print usage options'
write(*, *) ' --model [key]'
write(*, *) ' key = esm (default) || log || most || sheba || sheba_noit'
write(*, *) ' key = esm (default) || log || most || sheba || sheba_noit || most_snow'
write(*, *) ' --dataset [key]'
write(*, *) ' key = mosaic (default) || irgason || sheba'
write(*, *) ' = lake || papa || toga || user [filename] [param]'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module sfx_z0m_all
!< @brief surface thermal roughness parameterizations for all type surface
use z0m_all_surface
use sfx_z0m_all_surface
implicit none
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module sfx_z0t_all
!< @brief surface thermal roughness parameterizations for all type surface
use z0t_all_surface
use sfx_z0t_all_surface
implicit none
module z0m_all_surface
!< @brief surface roughness parameterizations
use sfx_phys_const
implicit none
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, parameter, private :: kappa = 0.40 !< von Karman constant [n/d]
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!< Charnock parameters
!< z0 = Re_visc_min * (nu / u_dyn) + gamma_c * (u_dyn^2 / g)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, parameter :: gamma_c = 0.0144
real, parameter :: Re_visc_min = 0.111
real, parameter :: h_charnock = 10.0
real, parameter :: c1_charnock = log(h_charnock * (g / gamma_c))
real, parameter :: c2_charnock = Re_visc_min * nu_air * c1_charnock
real, parameter :: gamma_min = 0.01
real, parameter :: gamma_max = 0.11
real, parameter :: f_c = 100
real, parameter :: eps = 1
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! charnock roughness definition
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_dynamic_roughness_ch(z0_m, u_dyn0, U, h, maxiters)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: u_dyn0 !< dynamic velocity in neutral conditions [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: h !< constant flux layer height [m]
real, intent(in) :: U !< abs(wind speed) [m/s]
integer, intent(in) :: maxiters !< maximum number of iterations
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --- local variables
real :: Uc ! wind speed at h_charnock [m/s]
real :: a, b, c, c_min
real :: f
integer :: i, j
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uc = U
a = 0.0
b = 25.0
c_min = log(h_charnock) / kappa
do i = 1, maxiters
f = c1_charnock - 2.0 * log(Uc)
do j = 1, maxiters
c = (f + 2.0 * log(b)) / kappa
! looks like the check should use U10 instead of U
! but note that a1 should be set = 0 in cycle beforehand
if (U <= 8.0e0) a = log(1.0 + c2_charnock * ((b / Uc)**3)) / kappa
c = max(c - a, c_min)
b = c
end do
z0_m = h_charnock * exp(-c * kappa)
z0_m = max(z0_m, 0.000015e0)
Uc = U * log(h_charnock / z0_m) / log(h / z0_m)
end do
! --- define dynamic velocity in neutral conditions
u_dyn0 = Uc / c
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_dynamic_roughness_ow(z0_m, u_dyn0, U, h, maxiters)
!Owen 1964
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: u_dyn0 !< dynamic velocity in neutral conditions [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: h !< constant flux layer height [m]
real, intent(in) :: U !< abs(wind speed) [m/s]
integer, intent(in) :: maxiters !< maximum number of iterations
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --- local variables
real :: Uc ! wind speed at h_charnock [m/s]
real :: b1, b2, Cuz, betta_u, nu_m, C_z0,c
real :: f
integer :: i, j
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
do i = 1, maxiters
f = c1_charnock - 2.0 * log(Uc)
c = (f + 2.0 * log(Cuz)) / kappa
if(Cuz==0.0) exit
end do
u_dyn0 = Uc / c
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_dynamic_roughness_fetch(z0_m, u_dyn0, U, depth, h, maxiters)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: u_dyn0 !< dynamic velocity in neutral conditions [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: U !< abs(wind speed) [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: depth !< depth [m]
real, intent(in) :: h !< constant flux layer height [m]
integer, intent(in) :: maxiters !< maximum number of iterations
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --- local variables
real :: Uc ! wind speed at h_charnock [m/s]
real :: a, b, c, c_min
real :: f
real :: A_lake, B_lake, gamma_c, fetch, c1_charnock_lake, c2_charnock_lake
integer :: i, j
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uc = U
a = 0.0
b = 25.0
c_min = log(h_charnock) / kappa
fetch = 25.0 * depth !25.0 * depth
!< z0 = Re_visc_min * (nu / u_dyn) + gamma_c * (u_dyn^2 / g)
!< gamma_c = gamma_min + (gamma_max - gamma_min) * exp(-min(A_lake, B_lake))
!< А_lake = (fetch * g / U^2)^(1/3) / f_c
!< B_lake = eps (sqrt(depth * g)/U)
do i = 1, maxiters
A_lake = ((fetch * g / (U)**2)**(1/3)) / f_c
B_lake = eps * (sqrt(depth * g)/U)
gamma_c = gamma_min + (gamma_max - gamma_min) * exp(-min(A_lake, B_lake))
!write(*,*) A_lake
!write(*,*) B_lake
c1_charnock_lake = log(h_charnock * (g / gamma_c))
c2_charnock_lake = Re_visc_min * nu_air * c1_charnock_lake
f = c1_charnock_lake - 2.0 * log(Uc)
do j = 1, maxiters
c = (f + 2.0 * log(b)) / kappa
if (U <= 8.0e0) a = log(1.0 + c2_charnock_lake * ((b / Uc)**3)) / kappa
c = max(c - a, c_min)
b = c
end do
z0_m = h_charnock * exp(-c * kappa)
z0_m = max(z0_m, 0.000015e0)
Uc = U * log(h_charnock / z0_m) / log(h / z0_m)
end do
! --- define dynamic velocity in neutral conditions
u_dyn0 = Uc / c
end subroutine
subroutine get_dynamic_roughness_map(z0_m, u_dyn0, U, h, z0m_map)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: u_dyn0 !< dynamic velocity in neutral conditions [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: h !< constant flux layer height [m]
real, intent(in) :: z0m_map !< aerodynamic roughness from map[m]
real, intent(in) :: U !< abs(wind speed) [m/s]
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real :: h0_m
h0_m = h / z0_m
u_dyn0 = U * kappa / log(h0_m)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
end module z0m_all_surface
\ No newline at end of file
module z0t_all_surface
!< @brief surface thermal roughness parameterizations
implicit none
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, parameter, private :: kappa = 0.40 !< von Karman constant [n/d]
real, parameter, private :: Pr_m = 0.71 !< molecular Prandtl number (air) [n/d]
!< Re fully roughness minimum value [n/d]
real, parameter :: Re_rough_min = 16.3
!< roughness model coeff. [n/d]
!< --- transitional mode
!< B = log(z0_m / z0_t) = B1 * log(B3 * Re) + B2
real, parameter :: B1_rough = 5.0 / 6.0
real, parameter :: B2_rough = 0.45
real, parameter :: B3_rough = kappa * Pr_m
!< --- fully rough mode (Re > Re_rough_min)
!< B = B4 * Re^(B2)
real, parameter :: B4_rough =(0.14 * (30.0**B2_rough)) * (Pr_m**0.8)
real, parameter :: B_max_ocean = 8.0
real, parameter :: B_max_land = 2.0
! thermal roughness definition by Kazakov, Lykosov
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_kl_land(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!--- define B = log(z0_m / z0_t)
if (Re <= Re_rough_min) then
B = B1_rough * alog(B3_rough * Re) + B2_rough
! *: B4 takes into account Re value at z' ~ O(10) z0
B = B4_rough * (Re**B2_rough)
end if
B = min(B, B_max_land)
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_kl_water(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!--- define B = log(z0_m / z0_t)
if (Re <= Re_rough_min) then
B = B1_rough * alog(B3_rough * Re) + B2_rough
! *: B4 takes into account Re value at z' ~ O(10) z0
B = B4_rough * (Re**B2_rough)
end if
B = min(B, B_max_ocean)
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! thermal roughness definition by Chen, F., Zhang, Y., 2009.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_cz(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=(kappa*10.0**(-0.4*z0_m/0.07))*(Re**0.45) !Chen and Zhang
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Zilitinkevich, S., 1995.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_zi(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=0.1*kappa*(Re**0.5) !6-Zilitinkevich
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Cahill, A.T., Parlange, M.B., Albertson, J.D., 1997.
! It is better to use for dynamic surfaces such as sand
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_ca(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=2.46*(Re**0.25)-3.8 !4-Cahill et al.
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Brutsaert W., 2003.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_br(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=2.46*(Re**0.25)-2.0 !Brutsaert
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Owen P. R., Thomson W. R., 1963.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_ot(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=kappa*(Re**0.45) !Owen P. R., Thomson W. R.
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Duynkerke P. G., 1992.
!It is better to use for surfaces wiht forest
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_du(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, u_dyn, LAI)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: u_dyn !< dynamic velocity [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: LAI !< leaf-area index
B=(13*u_dyn**0.4)/LAI+0.85 !Duynkerke P. G., 1992.
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition z0_t = C*z0_m
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_zm(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Czm)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Czm !< proportionality coefficient
z0_t =Czm*z0_m
B=log(z0_m / z0_t)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! thermal roughness definition by Chen and Zhang and Zilitinkevich
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_mix(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, u_dyn, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: u_dyn !< dynamic velocity [m/s]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
real, parameter :: u_dyn_th=0.17 !< dynamic velocity treshhold [m/s]
if (u_dyn <= u_dyn_th) then
B=0.1*kappa*(Re**0.5) !Zilitinkevich
B=(kappa*10.0**(-0.4*z0_m/0.07))*(Re**0.45) !Chen and Zhang
end if
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine get_thermal_roughness_re(z0_t, B, &
z0_m, Re)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
real, intent(out) :: z0_t !< thermal roughness [m]
real, intent(out) :: B !< = log(z0_m / z0_t) [n/d]
real, intent(in) :: z0_m !< aerodynamic roughness [m]
real, intent(in) :: Re !< roughness Reynolds number [n/d]
B=alog(-0.56*(4.0*(Re)**(0.5)-3.4)) !Repina, 2023
! --- define roughness [thermal]
z0_t = z0_m / exp(B)
end subroutine
end module z0t_all_surface
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