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Commit 3e9f8ce8 authored by Debolskiy Andrey's avatar Debolskiy Andrey :bicyclist_tone5:
Browse files

Merge branch 'master' into second_round_andrey

# Conflicts:
#	WindStressPRM/WindStressPRM.cs
parents 60dee1ff 4bd177f8
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
......@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ namespace MES_Wind
WindStressPRM.Powerline dummyline = new WindStressPRM.Powerline();
DataRow featureData = feature.DataRow;
dummyline.identifier = feature.Fid;
dummyline.year = int.Parse(featureData["Year"].ToString());
dummyline.height = double.Parse(featureData["HeightOffs"].ToString());
dummyline.power = int.Parse(featureData["Power"].ToString());
dummyline.pointFromID = int.Parse(featureData["PointFrom"].ToString());
dummyline.pointToID = int.Parse(featureData["PointTo"].ToString());
dummyline.Identifier = feature.Fid;
dummyline.Year = int.Parse(featureData["Year"].ToString());
dummyline.Height = double.Parse(featureData["HeightOffs"].ToString());
dummyline.Power = int.Parse(featureData["Power"].ToString());
dummyline.PointFromID = int.Parse(featureData["PointFrom"].ToString());
dummyline.PointToID = int.Parse(featureData["PointTo"].ToString());
LineString featureline = feature.BasicGeometry as LineString;
dummyline.coords = DotspLinestringToPrm(featureline);
dummyline.Coordinates = DotspLinestringToPrm(featureline);
//create PRM_station list to pass to PRM_wind from loaded point layer
......@@ -196,19 +196,19 @@ namespace MES_Wind
WindStressPRM.PowerStation dummystation = new WindStressPRM.PowerStation();
DataRow featureData = featurepoint.DataRow;
dummystation.identifier = featurepoint.Fid; = featureData["Name"].ToString();
dummystation.power = int.Parse(featureData["Power"].ToString());
dummystation.Identifier = featurepoint.Fid;
dummystation.Name = featureData["Name"].ToString();
dummystation.Power = int.Parse(featureData["Power"].ToString());
int issr = int.Parse(featureData["IsSource"].ToString());
if (issr == 0)
dummystation.issource = false;
dummystation.IsSource = false;
if (issr == 1)
dummystation.issource = true;
dummystation.IsSource = true;
......@@ -218,45 +218,45 @@ namespace MES_Wind
//casting stationtype
if (featureData["Type"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "POLE")
dummystation.type = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.stationtype.pole;
dummystation.Stationtype = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.StationType.Pole;
else if (featureData["Type"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "TRANS")
dummystation.type = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.stationtype.trans;
dummystation.Stationtype = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.StationType.Trans;
else if (featureData["Type"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper() == "ENDSTAT")
dummystation.type = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.stationtype.endstat;
dummystation.Stationtype = WindStressPRM.PowerStation.StationType.Endstat;
throw new System.Exception("Point in powerstation layer has unrecognised type");
IPoint featurepointcoords = featurepoint.BasicGeometry as IPoint;
dummystation.coords = DotspPointToPRM(featurepointcoords);
dummystation.Coordinate = DotspPointToPRM(featurepointcoords);
//Create a PRM_wind class and add all the properties from above
WindStressPRM.StressPowerChecker prmwind = new WindStressPRM.StressPowerChecker();
WindStressPRM.Input input = new WindStressPRM.Input();
input.powerLines = powerlinesToPRM;
input.powerStations = powerpointsToPRM;
input.prognosticCells = prognosticWind;
input.prognosticCellSize = progcellsize;
input.prognosticAffineCoefficients = prog_aff;
input.climateCells = climWind;
input.climateCellSize = climCellsize;
input.climateAffineCoefficients = climAffinecoeffs;
input.PowerLines = powerlinesToPRM;
input.PowerStations = powerpointsToPRM;
input.PrognosticCells = prognosticWind;
input.PrognosticCellSize = progcellsize;
input.PrognosticAffineCoefficients = prog_aff;
input.ClimateCells = climWind;
input.ClimateCellSize = climCellsize;
input.ClimateAffineCoefficients = climAffinecoeffs;
WindStressPRM.Output output = prmwind.CheckPower(input);
// new FeatureSet for resulting disabled points
IFeatureSet disabledPointSet = new FeatureSet(FeatureType.Point);
disabledPointSet.Projection = map1.Projection;
DataColumn pointcolumn = new DataColumn("ID");
foreach (WindStressPRM.PowerStation disabledStation in output.disabledStations)
foreach (WindStressPRM.PowerStation disabledStation in output.DisabledStations)
Coordinate coords = new Coordinate(disabledStation.coords.X, disabledStation.coords.Y);
Coordinate coords = new Coordinate(disabledStation.Coordinate.X, disabledStation.Coordinate.Y);
DotSpatial.Topology.Point disabledPoint = new DotSpatial.Topology.Point(coords);
Feature disabledPointFeature = new Feature(disabledPoint);
//disabledPointFeature.DataRow["ID"] = disabledStation.identifier;
......@@ -275,17 +275,17 @@ namespace MES_Wind
DataColumn lineIDcolumn = new DataColumn("ID");
int lineID = 0;
foreach (WindStressPRM.Powerline disabledLine in output.disabledLines)
foreach (WindStressPRM.Powerline disabledLine in output.DisabledLines)
List<Coordinate> lineArray = new List<Coordinate>();
foreach (WindStressPRM.Coordinate prmcoordinate in disabledLine.coords)
foreach (WindStressPRM.Coordinate prmcoordinate in disabledLine.Coordinates)
Coordinate lineVerticeCoords = new Coordinate(prmcoordinate.X, prmcoordinate.Y);
LineString lineGeometry = new LineString(lineArray);
IFeature lineFeature = disabledLineSet.AddFeature(lineGeometry);
lineID = disabledLine.identifier;
lineID = disabledLine.Identifier;
lineFeature.DataRow["ID"] = lineID;
//add resulting layer to the map
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
public Coordinate(double X, double Y)
if (!(this.CheckValue()))
throw new System.ArgumentException("Passed coordinates are not valid!");
......@@ -73,10 +73,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
public bool CheckValue()
bool checker = true;
if (X != null) { checker = true; }
else { checker = false; }
if (Y != null) { checker = true; }
else { checker = false; }
if (X != null && Y != null)
checker = true;
else {
checker = false;
return checker;
......@@ -90,17 +93,17 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// U - component of wind velocity, m/s
/// U - компонента скорости ветра, м/с
/// </summary>
public double velocityX;
public double VelocityX;
/// <summary>
/// V - component of wind velocity, m/s
/// V - компонента скорости ветра, м/с
/// </summary>
public double velocityY;
public double VelocityY;
/// <summary>
/// Cell center coordinates
/// Координаты центра ячейки
/// </summary>
public Coordinate coords;
public Coordinate Coordinate;
/// <summary>
/// designated constructor
/// </summary>
......@@ -115,9 +118,9 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
this.coords = coord;
this.velocityX = vX;
this.velocityY = vY;
this.Coordinate = coord;
this.VelocityX = vX;
this.VelocityY = vY;
/// <summary>
......@@ -128,10 +131,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
bool checker = false;
///Скорость ветра на высоте 10м от поверхности на Земле не может превышать 70м/c
if (Math.Abs(velocityX) < 70) { checker = true; }
else { checker = false; }
if (Math.Abs(velocityY) < 70) { checker = true; }
else { checker = false; }
if (Math.Abs(VelocityX) < 70 && Math.Abs(VelocityY) < 70)
checker = true;
else {
checker = false;
return checker;
......@@ -145,22 +151,22 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// once-in-5-years frequency wind, m/s
/// скорость ветра повторяемости один раз в 5 лет, м/с
/// </summary>
public double wind5;
public double Wind5;
/// <summary>
/// once-in-10-years frequency wind, m/s
/// скорость ветра повторяемости один раз в 10 лет, м/с
/// </summary>
public double wind10;
public double Wind10;
/// <summary>
/// once-in-15-years frequency wind, m/s
/// скорость ветра повторяемости один раз в 15 лет, м/с
/// </summary>
public double wind15;
public double Wind15;
/// <summary>
/// Cell center coordinate pair
/// Координаты центра ячейки
/// </summary>
public Coordinate coords;
public Coordinate Coordinate;
/// <summary>
/// designated constructor
/// </summary>
......@@ -176,10 +182,10 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
this.coords = coord;
this.wind5 = w5;
this.wind10 = w10;
this.wind15 = w15;
this.Coordinate = coord;
this.Wind5 = w5;
this.Wind10 = w10;
this.Wind15 = w15;
/// <summary>
......@@ -189,8 +195,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
public bool CheckValue()
bool checker = true;
if (Math.Abs(wind5) < 70 && Math.Abs(wind10) < 70 && Math.Abs(wind15) < 70) { checker = true; }
else { checker = false; }
if (Math.Abs(Wind5) < 70 && Math.Abs(Wind10) < 70 && Math.Abs(Wind15) < 70)
checker = true;
else {
checker = false;
return checker;
......@@ -203,11 +214,11 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <summary>
/// ширина ячейки (расстояние между соседними по широте центрами ячеек)
/// </summary>
public double width;
public double Width;
/// <summary>
/// высота ячейки (расстояние между соседними по долготе центрами ячеек)
/// </summary>
public double height;
public double Height;
/// <summary>
/// designated constructor
/// </summary>
......@@ -215,8 +226,8 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <param name="hgh">Cell Height</param>
public CellSize(double wdh, double hgh)
this.width = wdh;
this.height = hgh;
this.Width = wdh;
this.Height = hgh;
if (!(this.CheckValue()))
throw new System.ArgumentException("Cell width or height values are incorrect!");
......@@ -229,7 +240,10 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
public bool CheckValue()
bool checker = true;
if (width > 0 && height > 0) { checker = true; }
if (Width > 0 && Height > 0)
checker = true;
else { checker = false; }
return checker;
......@@ -244,47 +258,47 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// unique id
/// уникальный идентификатор
/// </summary>
public int identifier { get; set; }
public int Identifier { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// year of construction
/// год постройки ЛЭП
/// </summary>
public int year;
public int Year;
/// <summary>
/// average height of cable span between two poles, meters
/// средняя высота пролета, м
/// </summary>
public double height;
public double Height;
/// <summary>
/// power kW for switches
/// Мощность ЛЭП, кВт
/// </summary>
public int power;
public int Power;
/// <summary>
/// Line vertices coordinate list
/// список координат вершин ЛЭП как линейного объекта
/// </summary>
public List<Coordinate> coords { get; set; }
public List<Coordinate> Coordinates { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// assigned powerstation/pole
/// идентификатор соответсвующего конца/начала линии (столб, трансформаторная подстанция, понижающая подстанция)
/// </summary>
public int pointFromID;
public int PointFromID;
/// <summary>
/// assigned powerstation/pole
/// идентификатор соответсвующего конца/начала линии (столб, трансформаторная подстанция, понижающая подстанция)
/// </summary>
public int pointToID;
public int PointToID;
/// <summary>
/// broken/not broken switch
/// сломана (true) или нет (false) линяя
/// </summary>
public bool isbroken;
public bool IsBroken;
/// <summary>
/// power on switch
/// получает (true) или нет (false) линия питание
/// </summary>
public bool ison;
public bool IsON;
private int MissingIdValue = -1;
public Powerline()
......@@ -304,17 +318,19 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <param name="fromID"></param>
public Powerline(List<Coordinate> coordinates, int id, int year, double height, int power, int toID, int fromID)
this.coords = coordinates;
this.identifier = id;
this.year = year;
this.height = height;
this.power = power;
this.isbroken = false;
this.ison = false;
this.pointFromID = fromID;
this.pointToID = toID;
this.Coordinates = coordinates;
this.Identifier = id;
this.Year = year;
this.Height = height;
this.Power = power;
this.IsBroken = false;
this.IsON = false;
this.PointFromID = fromID;
this.PointToID = toID;
if (!(this.CheckValue()))
{ throw new System.ArgumentException("Powerline object wasn't initialized correctly"); }
throw new System.ArgumentException("Powerline object wasn't initialized correctly");
/// <summary>
/// проверка валидности полей
......@@ -323,8 +339,10 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
public bool CheckValue()
bool checker = true;
if ( identifier>= 0 && Math.Abs(year - 1985) < 45 && Math.Abs(height - 15)<15 && power > 0 && power < 1000 && pointFromID >=0 && pointToID >=0)
{ checker = true; }
if ( Identifier >= 0 && Math.Abs(Year - 1985) < 45 && Math.Abs(Height - 15)<15 && Power > 0 && Power < 1000 && PointFromID >=0 && PointToID >=0)
checker = true;
else { checker = false; }
return checker;
......@@ -339,45 +357,48 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// unique id
/// уникальный идентификатор подстанции/столба
/// </summary>
public int identifier;
public int Identifier;
/// <summary>
/// Coordinates
/// </summary>
public Coordinate coords;
public Coordinate Coordinate;
/// <summary>
/// station name field
/// название подстанции
/// </summary>
public string name;
public string Name;
/// <summary>
/// power, kW
/// мощность, кВт
/// </summary>
public int power;
public int Power;
/// <summary>
/// type of point - trans/pole/endpoint
/// тип станции - трансформаторная подстанция/столб/понижающая(конечная)подстанция
/// </summary>
public enum stationtype {pole, trans, endstat};
public enum StationType
Pole, Trans, Endstat
/// <summary>
/// тип подстанции
/// </summary>
public stationtype type;
public StationType Stationtype;
/// <summary>
/// is point a source?
/// является ли подстаниция источником питания (в случае ТЭЦ или питания от внешних для рассматриваемой цепи ЛЭП)
/// </summary>
public bool issource;
public bool IsSource;
/// <summary>
/// power on switch
/// поступает (true) или нет (false) на подстанцию питание
/// </summary>
public bool ison;
public bool IsON;
/// <summary>
/// asigned powerlines list
/// список оканчивающихся/начинающихся на подстанции ЛЭП
/// </summary>
public List<Powerline> linelist;
public List<Powerline> LineList;
public PowerStation()
//default constructor
......@@ -392,21 +413,23 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <param name="sttype"></param>
/// <param name="issource"></param>
/// <param name="ison"></param>
public PowerStation(Coordinate crds, int id, string stname, int stpower, stationtype sttype, bool issource)
public PowerStation(Coordinate crds, int id, string stname, int stpower, StationType sttype, bool issource)
this.coords = crds;
this.identifier = id; = stname;
this.power = stpower;
this.type = sttype;
this.issource = issource;
this.ison = false;
this.Coordinate = crds;
this.Identifier = id;
this.Name = stname;
this.Power = stpower;
this.Stationtype = sttype;
this.IsSource = issource;
this.IsON = false;
public bool CheckValue()
bool checker = true;
if (identifier >=0 && power >0 && power < 1000 )
{ checker = true; }
if (Identifier >=0 && Power >0 && Power < 1000 )
checker = true;
else { checker = false; }
return checker;
......@@ -430,55 +453,67 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// prognistic raster info
/// массив прогностического ветра
/// </summary>
public List<List<PrognosticCell>> prognosticCells {get; set;}
public List<List<PrognosticCell>> PrognosticCells { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// prognostic raster cell info
/// параметры ячеек регулярной сетки прогностического ветра
/// </summary>
public CellSize prognosticCellSize { get; set; }
public CellSize PrognosticCellSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// affine coefficients from prognostic raster projections
/// коэффициенты аффиного проеобразования из проекции массива прогностического ветра
/// </summary>
public double[] prognosticAffineCoefficients { get; set; }
public double[] PrognosticAffineCoefficients { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// climate raster array
/// массив климатических полей скорости ветра заданной повторяемости
/// </summary>
public List<List<ClimateCell>> climateCells { get; set; }
public List<List<ClimateCell>> ClimateCells { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// climate raster cell info
/// параметры ячеек регулярной сетки климатических полей скорости ветра заданной повторяемости
/// </summary>
public CellSize climateCellSize { get; set; }
public CellSize ClimateCellSize { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// affine coefficients from climate raster projection
/// коэффициенты аффинного преобразования из проекции массива климатических полей скорости ветра заданной повторяемости
/// </summary>
public double[] climateAffineCoefficients { get; set; }
public double[] ClimateAffineCoefficients { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// lines list
/// список ЛЭП
/// </summary>
public List<Powerline> powerLines { get; set; }
public List<Powerline> PowerLines { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// stations/poles list
/// список точечных объектов - трансформаторных подстанций/столбов/понижающих(конечных) подстанций
/// </summary>
public List<PowerStation> powerStations { get; set; }
public List<PowerStation> PowerStations { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// maximum distance for line segment, meters
/// максимальное расстояние между точками ЛЭП, для которых проверяется сломаются/несломаются под действием ветра
/// </summary>
public double dist_threshold
public double DistThreshold
return 500;
/// <summary>
/// missing raster value for cells, if you haven't normal value use this one.
/// потерянное значение для растрового объекта; Если Вы не имеете данных - используйте это значение
/// </summary>
public double kMissingRasterValue
return -9999;
/// <summary>
/// Output
......@@ -489,12 +524,12 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// stations list without power
/// Список подстанций на которые не поступит питание в результате предсказанных поломок ЛЭП в сети
/// </summary>
public List<PowerStation> disabledStations { get; set; }
public List<PowerStation> DisabledStations { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// broken lines list
/// Список прогнозируемых сломанных ЛЭП в результате ветрового воздействия
/// </summary>
public List<Powerline> disabledLines { get; set; }
public List<Powerline> DisabledLines { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// main calculations class
......@@ -504,7 +539,7 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <summary>
/// Input Data
/// </summary>
private Input input;
private Input Input;
/// <summary>
/// Main function for power graph algorithm
......@@ -512,36 +547,36 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// </summary>
public Output CheckPower(Input input)
this.input = input;
this.Input = input;
//Calculate which lines are broken
List<WindStressPRM.Powerline> prmBrokenLines = brokenPowerLinesAfterCheck();
//get the graph
//start from source points
foreach (PowerStation pwstation in input.powerStations)
foreach (PowerStation pwstation in input.PowerStations)
if (pwstation.issource)
if (pwstation.IsSource)
//fill output
Output output = new Output();
output.disabledStations = new List<PowerStation>();
output.disabledLines = new List<Powerline>();
foreach (Powerline line in input.powerLines)
output.DisabledStations = new List<PowerStation>();
output.DisabledLines = new List<Powerline>();
foreach (Powerline line in input.PowerLines)
if (line.isbroken)
if (line.IsBroken)
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in input.powerStations)
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in input.PowerStations)
//stations of type pole can be disabled if the line is broken
if (!powerStation.ison && !(powerStation.type == PowerStation.stationtype.pole))
if (!powerStation.IsON && !(powerStation.Stationtype == PowerStation.StationType.Pole))
return output;
......@@ -552,39 +587,39 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
/// <param name="sourcepoint"> powered station to search next powered station from</param>
private void CheckPowerPointsForStation(PowerStation sourcepoint)
if (!sourcepoint.ison)
if (!sourcepoint.IsON)
throw new Exception("CheckPowerPointsForStation is called from disabled sourcepoint");
// if the point is not a pole - i.e. we know
// it can redistribute power within connected lines
// we turn it ON if any of the connected lines are powered
foreach (Powerline line in sourcepoint.linelist)
foreach (Powerline line in sourcepoint.LineList)
if (!line.isbroken && !line.ison)
if (!line.IsBroken && !line.IsON)
line.ison = true;
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in input.powerStations)
line.IsON = true;
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in Input.PowerStations)
if (powerStation.identifier != sourcepoint.identifier && (powerStation.identifier == line.pointFromID || powerStation.identifier == line.pointToID))
if (powerStation.Identifier != sourcepoint.Identifier && (powerStation.Identifier == line.PointFromID || powerStation.Identifier == line.PointToID))
if (!(sourcepoint.type == PowerStation.stationtype.pole)) {
powerStation.ison = true;
if (!(sourcepoint.Stationtype == PowerStation.StationType.Pole)) {
powerStation.IsON = true;
else {
// if line is a pole we have to check if it's actually able to
// get electricity to other points i.e. no connected lines are broken
bool powerLineCheck = false;
foreach (Powerline powerline in powerStation.linelist)
foreach (Powerline powerline in powerStation.LineList)
if (powerline.isbroken) {
if (powerline.IsBroken) {
powerLineCheck = true;
if (!powerLineCheck)
powerStation.ison = true;
powerStation.IsON = true;
......@@ -602,26 +637,26 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
//First we make sure that all the sources are ON
//and all non sources are OFF
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in input.powerStations)
foreach (PowerStation powerStation in Input.PowerStations)
if (powerStation.issource == true) {
powerStation.ison = true;
if (powerStation.IsSource == true) {
powerStation.IsON = true;
else {
powerStation.ison = false;
powerStation.IsON = false;
// for each power station we create a list of powerlines it is attached to
List<Powerline> lines = new List<Powerline>();
foreach (Powerline line in input.powerLines)
foreach (Powerline line in Input.PowerLines)
//we also switch OFF all lines
line.ison = false;
if (line.pointFromID == powerStation.identifier || line.pointToID == powerStation.identifier) {
line.IsON = false;
if (line.PointFromID == powerStation.Identifier || line.PointToID == powerStation.Identifier) {
powerStation.linelist = lines;
powerStation.LineList = lines;
/// <summary>
......@@ -632,10 +667,10 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
List<Powerline> brokenLines = new List<Powerline>();
// actually there are curves in powerLines
foreach (Powerline powerCurve in input.powerLines)
foreach (Powerline powerCurve in Input.PowerLines)
// get coordinates list
List<Coordinate> points = powerCurve.coords;
List<Coordinate> points = powerCurve.Coordinates;
List<bool> checkList = new List<bool>();
// cycle throw all points in line
......@@ -645,17 +680,17 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
double y1 = points[i - 1].Y;
double x2 = points[i].X;
double y2 = points[i].Y;
bool result = linearLineIsBroken(points[i - 1], points[i], powerCurve.height, powerCurve.power);
bool result = linearLineIsBroken(points[i - 1], points[i], powerCurve.Height, powerCurve.Power);
foreach (bool chkpnt in checkList)
if (chkpnt == true)
powerCurve.isbroken = true;
powerCurve.IsBroken = true;
if (powerCurve.isbroken)
if (powerCurve.IsBroken)
......@@ -677,7 +712,7 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
private bool linearLineIsBroken(Coordinate coord1, Coordinate coord2, double heightLine, int power)
double distance = Math.Sqrt((coord2.X - coord1.X) * (coord2.X - coord1.X) + (coord2.Y - coord1.Y) * (coord2.Y - coord1.Y));
double distpropD = distance / input.dist_threshold;
double distpropD = distance / Input.DistThreshold;
List<Coordinate> pointlist = new List<Coordinate>();
Coordinate midpoint = new Coordinate(0, 0);
int distpropI = Convert.ToInt32(distpropD);
......@@ -778,13 +813,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityX:
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityY:
return input.prognosticAffineCoefficients;
return Input.PrognosticAffineCoefficients;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate5:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate10:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate15:
return input.climateAffineCoefficients;
return Input.ClimateAffineCoefficients;
......@@ -834,13 +869,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityX:
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityY:
return input.prognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].coords;
return Input.PrognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].Coordinate;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate5:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate10:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate15:
return input.climateCells[index.Row][index.Col].coords;
return Input.ClimateCells[index.Row][index.Col].Coordinate;
......@@ -855,13 +890,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityX:
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityY:
return forRows ? input.prognosticCells.Count : input.prognosticCells[0].Count;
return forRows ? Input.PrognosticCells.Count : Input.PrognosticCells[0].Count;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate5:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate10:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate15:
return forRows ? input.climateCells.Count : input.climateCells[0].Count;
return forRows ? Input.ClimateCells.Count : Input.ClimateCells[0].Count;
......@@ -875,23 +910,23 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityX:
return input.prognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].velocityX;
return Input.PrognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].VelocityX;
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityY:
return input.prognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].velocityY;
return Input.PrognosticCells[index.Row][index.Col].VelocityY;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate5:
return input.climateCells[index.Row][index.Col].wind5;
return Input.ClimateCells[index.Row][index.Col].Wind5;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate10:
return input.climateCells[index.Row][index.Col].wind10;
return Input.ClimateCells[index.Row][index.Col].Wind10;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate15:
return input.climateCells[index.Row][index.Col].wind15;
return Input.ClimateCells[index.Row][index.Col].Wind15;
......@@ -906,13 +941,13 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityX:
case FunctionType.FunctionVelocityY:
return input.prognosticCellSize;
return Input.PrognosticCellSize;
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate5:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate10:
case FunctionType.FunctionClimate15:
return input.climateCellSize;
return Input.ClimateCellSize;
......@@ -957,10 +992,63 @@ namespace WindStressPRM
double valTopLeft = valueForFunction(functionType, rcTopLeft);
double valTopRight = valueForFunction(functionType, rcTopRight);
Coordinate origin = cellToProjection(rcBotLeft, functionType);
//PRM_coordinate last = cellToProjection(rcTopRight, functionType);//test only
bool testBotLeft = valBotLeft == Input.kMissingRasterValue;
bool testBotRight = valBotRight == Input.kMissingRasterValue;
bool testTopLeft = valTopLeft == Input.kMissingRasterValue;
bool testTopRight = valTopRight == Input.kMissingRasterValue;
if (testBotLeft || testBotRight || testTopLeft || testTopRight)
// tests indicates that value at test-cell is missed.
if (testTopRight && testTopLeft && testBotLeft && testBotRight)
throw new Exception("Current value in such a bad place, you need to fill these place with raster values");
int count = 0;
if (testBotLeft)
valBotLeft = 0;
if (testBotRight)
valBotRight = 0;
if (testTopLeft)
valTopLeft = 0;
if (testTopRight)
valTopRight = 0;
//of course there is count not 0;
if (count == 0) {
throw new Exception("Interpolation Logic Error");
double average = (valTopLeft + valTopRight + valBotLeft + valBotRight)/count;
if (testBotLeft)
valBotLeft = average;
if (testBotRight)
valBotRight = average;
if (testTopLeft)
valTopLeft = average;
if (testTopRight)
valTopRight = average;
// sizes for cell
double hx = cellSizeForFunction(functionType).width;
double hy = cellSizeForFunction(functionType).height;
double hx = cellSizeForFunction(functionType).Width;
double hy = cellSizeForFunction(functionType).Height;
// coefficients
double px = (coords.X - origin.X) / hx;
double py = (coords.Y - origin.Y) / hy;
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