From a8269ccfe18a58099d867c8b7df95ec983ecb788 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Evgeny Mortikov <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2023 03:13:49 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] major code update to remove labels and goto statements

---   |   8 +-
 drag3.f90     | 425 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 main_drag.f90 |   8 +-
 param.f90     |  29 ++--
 4 files changed, 230 insertions(+), 240 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index fac0309..e874355 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 rm drag_ddt.exe *.o
-gfortran -c inputdata.f90
-gfortran -c param.f90
-gfortran -c drag3.f90
-gfortran -c main_drag.f90
+gfortran -c -Wuninitialized inputdata.f90
+gfortran -c -Wuninitialized param.f90
+gfortran -c -Wuninitialized drag3.f90
+gfortran -c -Wuninitialized main_drag.f90
 gfortran -o drag_ddt.exe main_drag.o drag3.o  inputdata.o param.o 
diff --git a/drag3.f90 b/drag3.f90
index 41b5bd3..6b20aeb 100644
--- a/drag3.f90
+++ b/drag3.f90
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
-        MODULE drag3
-      USE param
-      USE inputdata
+    MODULE drag3
+        USE param
+        USE inputdata
-    implicit none
+        implicit none
-      type, public:: data_in
-	real, public:: ws, dt, st, dq, cflh, z0in
-    end type
+        type, public:: data_in
+	        real, public:: ws, dt, st, dq, cflh, z0in
+        end type
-    type, public:: data_outdef
-	real, public:: zl, ri, re, lnzuzt, zu, ztout, rith, cm, ch, ct, ckt
-    end type
+        type, public:: data_outdef
+	        real, public:: zl, ri, re, lnzuzt, zu, ztout, rith, cm, ch, ct, ckt
+        end type
-    type, public:: data_par
-	integer, public :: it=10
-	end type
+        type, public:: data_par
+	        integer, public :: it=10
+	    end type
-      type, public:: data_lutyp
-          integer, public :: lu_indx=1
-      end type
+        type, public:: data_lutyp
+            integer, public :: lu_indx=1
+        end type
-	contains
+    contains
         ! SUBROUTINE  surf_fluxMAS(mas1_w, mas1_dt, mas1_st, mas1_dq, out, par1, lu1)
-        SUBROUTINE  surf_fluxMAS(mas1_w, mas1_dt, mas1_st, mas1_dq, mas1_cflh, mas1_z0in, &
+        SUBROUTINE surf_fluxMAS(mas1_w, mas1_dt, mas1_st, mas1_dq, mas1_cflh, mas1_z0in, &
                 masout_zl,  masout_ri, masout_re, masout_lnzuzt, masout_zu, masout_ztout,&
                 masout_rith, masout_cm, masout_ch, masout_ct, masout_ckt,&
                 par1, lu1,numst)
@@ -63,7 +62,9 @@
-                CALL surf_flux(in, out, par1, lu1)
+                !if ((in%ws == in%ws).and.(in%dt == in%dt).and.(in%st == in%st).and.(in%dq == in%dq)) then
+                    CALL surf_flux(in, out, par1, lu1)
+                !end if
@@ -80,209 +81,191 @@
         END SUBROUTINE  surf_fluxMAS
         SUBROUTINE  surf_flux(in, out, par, lu)
-    type (data_in) , intent(in) :: in
-    type (data_outdef) out   
-    type (data_par) par
-    type (data_lutyp) lu
+            type (data_in) , intent(in) :: in
+            type (data_outdef) out
+            type (data_par) par
+            type (data_lutyp) lu
+            real ws, dt, dq, cflh, z0in
+	        integer it
+            integer lu_indx
+            real zl, ri, re, lnzuzt, zu, ztin, ri_th, cm, ch, ct, ckt
+            real z0, d3, d0max, U10m, a1, y1, cimin, f, c1, u2, h0, u3, x7, d0, d00, zt, h00, ft0, an4, an5
+            real al, Tsurf, Rib, q4, t4, u, r1, f0, f4, am, o, dd, x1, y0, x0, y10, a2ch, x10, p1, p0, h, d1, f1
+            real d, c4, c1min, c0, c, b1, an0
+            integer i, j
-    real ws, dt, st, dq, cflh, z0in
-	integer it
-    integer lu_indx
-    real zl, ri, re, lnzuzt, zu, ztin, ri_th, cm, ch, ct, ckt
-    real z0, d3, d0max, u1, a1, y1, cimin, f, c1, u2, h0, u3, x7, d0, d00, zt, h00, ft0, an4, an5
-    real al, t1, r6, q4, t4, u, r1, f0, f4, am, o, dd, x1, y0, x0, z3, y10, a2ch, x10, p1, p0, h, d1, f1
-    real d, c4, c1min, c0, c, b1, an0
-    integer i, j, m
-    ws=in%ws
-    dt=in%dt
-    st=in%st
-    dq=in%dq
-    cflh=in%cflh
-    z0in=in%z0in	
-    it=par%it
+            ws=in%ws
+            dt=in%dt
+            Tsurf=in%st
+            dq=in%dq
+            cflh=in%cflh
+            z0in=in%z0in
+            it=par%it
-    u=ws
-    t4=dt
-    t1=st
-    q4=dq
-    h=cflh
-    z0=z0in
+            u=ws
+            t4=dt
+            q4=dq
+            h=cflh
+            z0=z0in
+            AN5=(Pr_t_inf_inv / Pr_t_0_inv)**4
+            D1=(2.0E0*alpha_h-AN5*alpha_m-SQRT((AN5*alpha_m)**2+4.0E0*AN5*alpha_h*(alpha_h-alpha_m)))/(2.0E0*alpha_h**2)
+            Y10=(1.0E0-alpha_m*D1)**.25E0
+            X10=(1.0E0-alpha_h*D1)**.5E0
+            P1=2.0E0*ATAN(Y10)+ALOG((Y10-1.0E0)/(Y10+1.0E0))
+            P0=ALOG((X10-1.0E0)/(X10+1.0E0))
+            d3=0.0e0
+            d0max=2.0e0
+            if(z0 < 0.0e0) then
+                !> @brief Test - definition z0 of sea surface
+                !> @details  if lu_indx=2.or.lu_indx=3 call z0sea module (Ramil_Dasha)
+                d0max = 8.0e0
+                U10m=u
+                a1=0.0e0
+                y1=25.0e0
+                c1min=alog(h1/1.0e0)/kappa
+                do i=1,it
+                    f=a2-2.0e0*alog(U10m)
+                    do j=1,it
+                        c1=(f+2.0e0*alog(y1))/kappa
+                        ! looks like the check should use U10 instead of U
+                        !   but note that a1 should be set = 0 in cycle beforehand
+                        if(u <= 8.0e0) a1=alog(1.0e0+a3*((y1/U10m)**3))/kappa
+                        c1=c1-a1
+                        c1=max(c1,c1min)
+                        y1=c1
+                    end do
+                    z0=h1*exp(-c1*kappa)
+                    z0=max(z0,0.000015e0)
+                    U10m=u*alog(h1/z0)/(alog(h/z0))
+                end do
+                h0=h/z0
+                u3=U10m/c1
+            else
+                !     ......parameters from viscosity sublayer......
+                h0=h/z0
+                u3=u*kappa/alog(h0)
+            end if
+            x7=u3*z0/an
+            if(x7 <= x8) then
+                d0=an1*alog(al1*x7)+an2
+            else
+                d0=al2*(x7**0.45e0)
+            end if
+            !     ......humidity stratification and ri-number......
+            al=g/Tsurf
+            d0=min(d0,d0max)
+            Rib=al*h*(t4+0.61e0*Tsurf*q4)/u**2
+            d00=d0
+            zt=z0/exp(d00)
+            h00=h/zt
+            ft0=alog(h00)
+            !     ......definition of r-prim......
+            an4=d1/h0
+            an5=d1/h00
+            if (abs(d0) < 1.0e-10) an5=an4
+            an5=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*an5)
+            an4=(1.0e0-alpha_m*an4)**0.25e0
+            f0=alog((x10-1.0e0)*(an5+1.0e0)/((x10+1.0e0)*(an5-1.0e0)))/Pr_t_0_inv
+            f4=2.0e0*(atan(y10)-atan(an4))+alog((y10-1.0e0)*(an4+1.0e0)/((y10+1.0e0)*(an4-1.0e0)))
+            r1=d1*f0/(f4*f4)
+            !     ......definition of dz,ta,fu,fo,fiu,fio......
+            if (Rib > 0.0e0) then
+                !     ......stable stratification......
+                !write (*,*) 'stable'
+                Rib=min(Rib,r0)
+                f=alog(h0)
+                f1=d0/f
+                a1=b4*Rib
+                a2ch=(f1+1.0e0)/Pr_t_0_inv-2.0e0*a1
+                d3=f*(sqrt(a2ch**2+4.0e0*a1*(1.0e0-a1))-a2ch)/(2.0e0*b4*(1.0e0-a1))
+                f1=b4*d3
+                f4=f+f1
+                f0=(f+d0)/Pr_t_0_inv+f1
+                o=1.0e0/Pr_t_0_inv+f1
+                am=1.0e0+f1
+            else if (Rib < r1) then
+                !     ......strong instability.....
+                !write (*,*) 'instability'
+                d3=d1
+                do i=1,it+1
+                    d=d3/h0
+                    dd=d3/h00
+                    if (abs(d0) < 1.0e-10) dd=d
+                    a1=(d1/d3)**(1.0e0/3.0e0)
+                    x0=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*dd)
+                    y0=(1.0e0-alpha_m*d)**0.25e0
+                    c=alog((x0+1.0e0)/(x0-1.0e0))
+                    b1=-2.0e0*atan(y0)+alog((y0+1.0e0)/(y0-1.0e0))
+                    f=3.0e0*(1.0e0-a1)
+                    f4=f/y10+p1+b1
+                    f0=(f/x10+p0+c)/Pr_t_0_inv
+                    if (i == it+1) exit
+                    d3=Rib*f4**2/f0
+                end do
+                am=a1/y10
+                o=a1/(Pr_t_0_inv*x10)
+            else if (Rib > -0.001e0) then
+                !     ......nearly neutral......
+                write (*,*) 'neutral'
+                f4=alog(h0)
+                f0=ft0/Pr_t_0_inv
+                if (abs(d0) < 1.0e-10) f0=f4/Pr_t_0_inv
+                am=1.0e0
+                o=1.0e0/Pr_t_0_inv
+            else
+                !     ......week and semistrong instability......
+                !write (*,*) 'semistrong'
+                f1=alog(h0)
+                if (abs(d0) < 1.0e-10) ft0=f1
+                d3=Rib*Pr_t_0_inv*f1**2/ft0
+                do i=1,it+1
+                    d=d3/h0
+                    dd=d3/h00
+                    if (abs(d0) < 1.0e-10) dd=d
+                    y1=(1.0e0-alpha_m*d3)**0.25e0
+                    x1=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*d3)
+                    y0=(1.0e0-alpha_m*d)**0.25e0
+                    x0=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*dd)
+                    y0=max(y0,1.000001e0)
+                    x0=max(x0,1.000001e0)
+                    f4=alog((y1-1.0e0)*(y0+1.0e0)/((y1+1.0e0)*(y0-1.0e0)))+2.0e0*(atan(y1)-atan(y0))
+                    f0=alog((x1-1.0e0)*(x0+1.0e0)/((x1+1.0e0)*(x0-1.0e0)))/Pr_t_0_inv
+                    if (i == it + 1) exit
+                    d3=Rib*f4**2/f0
+                end do
+                am=(1.0e0-alpha_m*d3)**(-0.25e0)
+                o=1.0e0/(Pr_t_0_inv*sqrt(1.0e0-g0*d3))
+            end if
+            !     ......computation of cu,co,k(h),alft
+            c4=kappa/f4
+            c0=kappa/f0
+            an4=kappa*c4*u*h/am
+            an0=am/o
-    AN5=(A6/A0)**4
-    D1=(2.0E0*G10-AN5*G4-SQRT((AN5*G4)**2+4.0E0*AN5*G10*(G10-G4)))/(2.0E0*G10**2)
-    Y10=(1.0E0-G4*D1)**.25E0
-    X10=(1.0E0-G10*D1)**.5E0
-    P1=2.0E0*ATAN(Y10)+ALOG((Y10-1.0E0)/(Y10+1.0E0))
-    P0=ALOG((X10-1.0E0)/(X10+1.0E0))
-	  d3=0.0e0
-      d0max=2.0e0
+            !     ......exit......
+            out%zl=d3
+            out%ri=Rib
+            out%re=x7
+            out%lnzuzt=d00
+            out%zu=z0
+            out%ztout=zt
+            out%rith=r1
+            out%cm=c4
+            out%ch=c0
+            out%ct=an4
+            out%ckt=an0
+            return
-      if( d0max=8.0e0
-      if( then
-          !> @brief Test - definition z0 of sea surface
-          !> @details  if lu_indx=2.or.lu_indx=3 call z0sea module (Ramil_Dasha)
+        END SUBROUTINE  surf_flux
-          u1=u
-      a1=0.0e0
-      y1=25.0e0
-      c1min=alog(h1/1.0e0)/ap0
-      do 630 i=1,it
-      f=a2-2.0e0*alog(u1)
-      do 570 j=1,it
-      c1=(f+2.0e0*alog(y1))/ap0
-      if(u.le.8.0e0) a1=alog(1.0e0+a3*((y1/u1)**3))/ap0
-      c1=c1-a1
-      c1=amax1(c1,c1min)
-      y1=c1
-  570 continue
-      z0=h1*exp(-c1*ap0)
-      z0=amax1(z0,0.000015e0)
-      u2=u*alog(h1/z0)/(alog(h/z0))
-      u1=u2
-  630 continue
-      j=1
-      h0=h/z0
-      u3=u1/c1
-      else
-!     ......parameters from viscosity sublayer......
-      j=0
-      h0=h/z0
-      u3=u*ap0/alog(h0)
-    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-      end if
-      x7=u3*z0/an
-      if(x7.le.x8) then
-      d0=an1*alog(al1*x7)+an2
-      else
-      d0=al2*(x7**0.45e0)
-      end if
-!     ......humidity stratification and ri-number......     
-      st=in%st
-      al=g/t1
-      d0=amin1(d0,d0max)
-      r6=al*h*(t4+0.61e0*t1*q4)/u**2
-      d00=d0
-      zt=z0/exp(d00)
-      h00=h/zt
-      ft0=alog(h00)
-!     ......definition of r-prim......
-      an4=d1/h0
-      an5=d1/h00
-!c     if(d0.eq.0.0e0) an5=an4
-      if (abs(d0).lt.1.0e-10) an5=an4
-      an5=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*an5)
-      an4=(1.0e0-g4*an4)**0.25e0
-      f0=alog((x10-1.0e0)*(an5+1.0e0)/((x10+1.0e0)*(an5-1.0e0)))/a0
-      f4=2.0e0*(atan(y10)-atan(an4))+alog((y10-1.0e0)*(an4+1.0e0)/((y10+1.0e0)*(an4-1.0e0)))
-      r1=d1*f0/(f4*f4)
-!     ......definition of dz,ta,fu,fo,fiu,fio......
-      if( go to 1460
-      if( go to 1305
-      if( then
-!     ......nearly neutral......
-      write (*,*) 'neutral'
-      f4=alog(h0)
-      f0=ft0/a0
-!     if(d0.eq.0.0e0) f0=f4/a0
-      if (abs(d0).lt.1.0e-10) f0=f4/a0
-      am=1.0e0
-      o=1.0e0/a0
-      go to 1570
-      else
-!     ......week and semistrong instability......
-      write (*,*) 'semistrong'
-      f1=alog(h0)
-!     if(d0.eq.0.0e0)ft0=f1
-      if (abs(d0).lt.1.0e-10) ft0=f1
-      d3=r6*a0*f1**2/ft0
-      m=1
- 1245 do 1300 i=1,it
-      d=d3/h0
-      dd=d3/h00
-!     if(d0.eq.0.0e0)dd=d
-      if (abs(d0).lt.1.0e-10) dd=d
-      y1=(1.0e0-g4*d3)**0.25e0
-      x1=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*d3)
-      y0=(1.0e0-g4*d)**0.25e0
-      x0=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*dd)
-      y0=amax1(y0,1.000001e0)
-      x0=amax1(x0,1.000001e0)
-      f4=alog((y1-1.0e0)*(y0+1.0e0)/((y1+1.0e0)*(y0-1.0e0)))+2.0e0*(atan(y1)-atan(y0))
-      f0=alog((x1-1.0e0)*(x0+1.0e0)/((x1+1.0e0)*(x0-1.0e0)))/a0
-      if( go to 1350
-      z3=r6*f4**2/f0
-      d3=z3
- 1300 continue
-      m=2
-      go to 1245
- 1350 am=(1.0e0-g4*d3)**(-0.25e0)
-      o=1.0e0/(a0*sqrt(1.0e0-g0*d3))
-      go to 1570
-      end if
-!     ......strong instability.....
- 1305 continue
-      write (*,*) 'instability'
-      d3=d1
-      m=1
- 1355 do 1410 i=1,it
-      d=d3/h0
-      dd=d3/h00
-!     if(d0.eq.0.0e0)dd=d
-      if (abs(d0).lt.1.0e-10) dd=d
-      a1=(d1/d3)**(1.0e0/3.0e0)
-      x0=sqrt(1.0e0-g0*dd)
-      y0=(1.0e0-g4*d)**0.25e0
-      c=alog((x0+1.0e0)/(x0-1.0e0))
-      b1=-2.0e0*atan(y0)+alog((y0+1.0e0)/(y0-1.0e0))
-      f=3.0e0*(1.0e0-a1)
-      f4=f/y10+p1+b1
-      f0=(f/x10+p0+c)/a0
-      if( go to 1430
-      z3=r6*f4**2/f0
-      d3=z3
- 1410 continue
-      m=2
-      go to 1355
- 1430 am=a1/y10
-      o=a1/(a0*x10)
-      go to 1570
-!     ......stable stratification......
- 1460 continue
-      write (*,*) 'stable'
-      r6=amin1(r6,r0)
-      f=alog(h0)
-      f1=d0/f
-      a1=b4*r6
-      a2ch=(f1+1.0e0)/a0-2.0e0*a1
-      d3=f*(sqrt(a2ch**2+4.0e0*a1*(1.0e0-a1))-a2ch)/(2.0e0*b4*(1.0e0-a1))
-      f1=b4*d3
-      f4=f+f1
-      f0=(f+d0)/a0+f1
-      o=1.0e0/a0+f1
-      am=1.0e0+f1
- 1570 continue
-!     ......computation of cu,co,k(h),alft
-      c4=ap0/f4
-      c0=ap0/f0
-      an4=ap0*c4*u*h/am
-      an0=am/o
-!     ......exit......
-  140 continue
-      out%zl=d3
-      out%ri=r6
-      out%re=x7
-      out%lnzuzt=d00
-      out%zu=z0
-      out%ztout=zt
-      out%rith=r1
-      out%cm=c4
-      out%ch=c0
-      out%ct=an4
-      out%ckt=an0
-	  return
-      END SUBROUTINE  surf_flux
-      END MODULE drag3
\ No newline at end of file
+    END MODULE drag3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main_drag.f90 b/main_drag.f90
index 6e4faff..0d18fcf 100644
--- a/main_drag.f90
+++ b/main_drag.f90
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
     write(*,*) 'running code'
     if (TEST==1) then
-        filename_in='MOSAiC.txt'
+        filename_in='data/MOSAiC.txt'
-        filename_in2='MOSAiC_zh.txt'
+        filename_in2='data/MOSAiC_zh.txt'
     elseif (TEST==2) then
-        filename_in='Irgason1.txt'
+        filename_in='data/Irgason1.txt'
-        filename_in2='IRGASON_zh.txt'
+        filename_in2='data/IRGASON_zh.txt'
     open (1, file= filename_in, status ='old')
diff --git a/param.f90 b/param.f90
index 467f4de..16cc630 100644
--- a/param.f90
+++ b/param.f90
@@ -1,24 +1,31 @@
 module param
-      implicit real (a-h,o-z)
-      real, parameter ::  aka=.40e0
-      real, parameter ::  ap0=.40e0
-      real, parameter ::  g=9.81e0
-      real, parameter ::  a0=1.15e0
-      real, parameter ::  a6=3.5e0
-      real, parameter ::  g4=16.0e0
-      real, parameter ::  g10=16.0e0
+      implicit none
+      ! acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]
+      real, parameter :: g = 9.81
+      ! molecular Prandtl number (air)
+      real, parameter :: Pr_m = 0.71
+      ! von Karman constant [n/d]
+      real, parameter :: kappa = 0.40
+      ! inverse Prandtl (turbulent) number in neutral conditions
+      real, parameter :: Pr_t_0_inv = 1.15
+      ! inverse Prandtl (turbulent) number in free convection
+      real, parameter :: Pr_t_inf_inv = 3.5
+      ! stability function coeff. [= g4 & g10 in deprecated code]
+      real, parameter :: alpha_m = 16.0
+      real, parameter :: alpha_h = 16.0
       real, parameter ::  b4=4.7e0
       real, parameter ::  alfam=.0144e0
       real, parameter ::  betam=.111e0
       real, parameter ::  an=.000015e0
-      real, parameter ::  p4=.71e0
       real, parameter ::  h1=10.0e0
       real, parameter ::  x8=16.3e0
       real, parameter ::  an1=5.0e0/6.0e0
       real, parameter ::  an2=.45e0
-      real, parameter ::  al1=aka*p4
+      real, parameter ::  al1=kappa*Pr_m
       real, parameter ::  g0=1.2
-      real, parameter ::  al2=(.14e0*(30.0e0**an2))*(p4**.8e0)
+      real, parameter ::  al2=(.14e0*(30.0e0**an2))*(Pr_m**.8e0)
       real, parameter ::  a2=alog(h1*(g/alfam))
       real, parameter ::  a3=betam*an*a2
       real, parameter ::  r0=.9e0/b4