diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
index 748aab33337e3e4e89b4b4611d75ec93b84f2188..4edc48b2e8f22cdddcb20b5fd0cfe81d4cac7749 100644
--- a/.vscode/tasks.json
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 			"label": "CMake: build",
 			"command": "build",
 			"targets": [
-				"[N/A - Select Kit]"
+				"all"
 			"group": "build",
 			"problemMatcher": [],
diff --git a/srcF/sfx_config.f90 b/srcF/sfx_config.f90
index 142766aad1000145ae7e177edac0a8a2100746b7..cbcfb559f82d742b3d0d56e3eceec7151d59e2e5 100644
--- a/srcF/sfx_config.f90
+++ b/srcF/sfx_config.f90
@@ -42,7 +42,18 @@ module sfx_config
     character(len = 16), parameter :: dataset_toga_tag = 'toga'
     character(len = 16), parameter :: dataset_user_tag = 'user'
+    type :: sfxDriverType 
+        integer :: model_id
+        integer :: dataset_id
+        integer :: nmax
+        character(len = 256) :: filename_in_common
+        character(len = 256) :: filename_in
+        character(len = 256) :: filename_out
+    end type
     function get_model_id(tag) result(id)
diff --git a/srcF/sfx_main.f90 b/srcF/sfx_main.f90
index 5156269bfb151ca203d72920ff7944b3c962afbc..abbea8a41644d6d74ae63da28c154f58bfa0e841 100644
--- a/srcF/sfx_main.f90
+++ b/srcF/sfx_main.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 !> @brief main run sfx subroutine
 ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filename_out, nmax)
+subroutine run(args)
     use sfx_phys_const
     use sfx_common
@@ -28,13 +28,10 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    integer, intent(in) :: dataset_id                           !< dataset ID:
-    character(len = 256) :: dataset_name
+    type(sfxDriverType), intent(in) :: args
-    integer, intent(in) :: model_id                             !< sfx model ID
-    character(len = 256) :: model_name
-    ! input/output data
+    ! input/output model data
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     type(meteoDataVecType) :: meteo         !< meteorological data (input)
     type(meteoDataType) :: meteo_cell
@@ -47,17 +44,6 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     type(numericsType_sheba) :: numerics_sheba  !< surface flux module (SHEBA) numerics parameters
     integer :: num                          !< number of 'cells' in input
-    ! --- input/output filenames
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename_in_common
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename_in
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename_out
-    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! command line arguments
-    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    integer, intent(in) :: nmax
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! local variables
@@ -67,21 +53,18 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    model_name = get_model_tag(model_id)
-    dataset_name = get_dataset_tag(dataset_id)
     write(*, *) ' Running SFX model'
-    write(*, *) '   model = ', trim(model_name)
-    write(*, *) '   dataset = ', trim(dataset_name)
-    write(*, *) '   filename[IN-COMMON] = ', trim(filename_in_common)
-    write(*, *) '   filename[IN] = ', trim(filename_in)
-    write(*, *) '   filename[OUT] = ', trim(filename_out)
+    write(*, *) '   model = ', trim(get_model_tag(args%model_id))
+    write(*, *) '   dataset = ', trim(get_dataset_tag(args%dataset_id))
+    write(*, *) '   filename[IN-COMMON] = ', trim(args%filename_in_common)
+    write(*, *) '   filename[IN] = ', trim(args%filename_in)
+    write(*, *) '   filename[OUT] = ', trim(args%filename_out)
     !< @brief define number of cells
-    open(32, file = filename_in, iostat = status, status ='old')
+    open(32, file = args%filename_in, iostat = status, status ='old')
     if (status /= 0) then
-        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(filename_in)
+        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(args%filename_in)
     end if
@@ -97,9 +80,9 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     ! --- print number of elements in dataset
     write(*, *) '   size = ', num
-    if (nmax > 0) then
-        write(*, *) '   nmax = ', nmax
-        num = min(num, nmax)
+    if (args%nmax > 0) then
+        write(*, *) '   nmax = ', args%nmax
+        num = min(num, args%nmax)
     end if
@@ -109,9 +92,9 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     !< @brief read input data common parameters
-    open(32, file = filename_in_common, iostat = status, status = 'old')
+    open(32, file = args%filename_in_common, iostat = status, status = 'old')
     if (status /= 0) then
-        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(filename_in_common)
+        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(args%filename_in_common)
     end if
     read(32, *) meteo_cell%h, meteo_cell%z0_m
@@ -119,9 +102,9 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     !< @brief read input data
-    open(32, file = filename_in, iostat = status, status = 'old')
+    open(32, file = args%filename_in, iostat = status, status = 'old')
     if (status /= 0) then
-        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(filename_in)
+        write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unable to open file: ', trim(args%filename_in)
     end if
     do i = 1, num
@@ -138,19 +121,19 @@ subroutine run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filena
     !< @brief calling flux module
-    if (model_id == model_esm) then
+    if (args%model_id == model_esm) then
         call get_surface_fluxes_vec_esm(sfx, meteo, numerics_esm, num)
-    else if (model_id == model_log) then
+    else if (args%model_id == model_log) then
         call get_surface_fluxes_vec_log(sfx, meteo, numerics_log, num)
-    else if (model_id == model_most) then
+    else if (args%model_id == model_most) then
         call get_surface_fluxes_vec_most(sfx, meteo, numerics_most, num)
-    else if (model_id == model_sheba) then
+    else if (args%model_id == model_sheba) then
         call get_surface_fluxes_vec_sheba(sfx, meteo, numerics_sheba, num)
     end if
     !< @brief write output data
-    call write_ascii_vec11(filename_out, &
+    call write_ascii_vec11(args%filename_out, &
         sfx%zeta, sfx%Rib, &
         sfx%Re, sfx%B, sfx%z0_m, sfx%z0_t, &
         sfx%Rib_conv_lim, &
@@ -185,19 +168,7 @@ program sfx_main
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    integer :: dataset_id                           !< dataset ID:
-    character(len = 256) :: dataset_name
-    integer :: model_id                             !< sfx model ID
-    character(len = 256) :: model_name
-    ! input/output data
-    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    ! --- input/output filenames
-    character(len = 256) :: filename_in_common
-    character(len = 256) :: filename_in
-    character(len = 256) :: filename_out
-    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    type(sfxDriverType) :: sfx_args
     ! command line arguments
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -211,7 +182,6 @@ program sfx_main
     character(len = 128), parameter :: arg_key_help = '--help'
     integer :: is_output_set
-    integer :: nmax
     ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ! local variables
@@ -230,12 +200,13 @@ program sfx_main
-    !< @brief define model & dataset
-    model_id = model_esm            !< default = ESM
-    dataset_id = dataset_mosaic     !< default = MOSAiC
+    !< @brief define default model & dataset
+    sfx_args%model_id = model_esm            !< default = ESM
+    sfx_args%dataset_id = dataset_mosaic     !< default = MOSAiC
+    sfx_args%nmax = 0
     is_output_set = 0
-    nmax = 0
     num_args = command_argument_count()
     do i = 1, num_args
         call get_command_argument(i, arg)
@@ -262,8 +233,8 @@ program sfx_main
             end if
             call get_command_argument(i + 1, arg)
-            model_id = get_model_id(arg)
-            if (model_id == -1) then
+            sfx_args%model_id = get_model_id(arg)
+            if (sfx_args%model_id == -1) then
                 write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unknown model [key]: ', trim(arg)
             end if
@@ -275,19 +246,19 @@ program sfx_main
             end if
             call get_command_argument(i + 1, arg)
-            dataset_id = get_dataset_id(arg)
-            if (dataset_id == -1) then
+            sfx_args%dataset_id = get_dataset_id(arg)
+            if (sfx_args%dataset_id == -1) then
                 write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > unknown dataset [key]: ', trim(arg)
             end if
-            if (dataset_id == dataset_user) then
+            if (sfx_args%dataset_id == dataset_user) then
                 if (i + 3 > num_args) then
                     write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > incorrect arguments for [user] dataset'
                 end if
-                call get_command_argument(i + 2, filename_in_common)
-                call get_command_argument(i + 3, filename_in)
+                call get_command_argument(i + 2, sfx_args%filename_in_common)
+                call get_command_argument(i + 3, sfx_args%filename_in)
             end if
         end if
         if (trim(arg) == trim(arg_key_output)) then
@@ -295,7 +266,7 @@ program sfx_main
                 write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > missing output [key] argument'
             end if
-            call get_command_argument(i + 1, filename_out)
+            call get_command_argument(i + 1, sfx_args%filename_out)
             is_output_set = 1
         end if
         if (trim(arg) == trim(arg_key_nmax)) then
@@ -304,18 +275,29 @@ program sfx_main
             end if
             call get_command_argument(i + 1, arg)
-            call str2int(nmax, arg, status)
+            call str2int(sfx_args%nmax, arg, status)
             if (status /= 0) then
                 write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > expecting int nmax [value]'
             end if
-            if (nmax <= 0) then
+            if (sfx_args%nmax <= 0) then
                 write(*, *) ' FAILURE! > nmax [value] should be positive'
             end if
         end if
     end do
+    !< @brief set input (& output) filenames for specific dataset
+    if (sfx_args%dataset_id /= dataset_user) then
+        sfx_args%filename_in_common = get_dataset_param_filename(sfx_args%dataset_id)
+        sfx_args%filename_in = get_dataset_filename(sfx_args%dataset_id)
+    end if  
+    if (is_output_set == 0) then 
+        sfx_args%filename_out = 'output-' // trim(get_dataset_tag(sfx_args%dataset_id)) // '.txt'
+    end if
     call run("config.txt"//C_NULL_CHAR)
@@ -379,30 +361,10 @@ program sfx_main
     !if ( (sfx_type == surface_ocean) .or. (sfx_type == surface_lake) ) then
     !    write(*, *) "z0_m: ", z0_m
     !end if 
-    !< @brief set name for specific model
-    model_name = get_model_tag(model_id)
-    !< @brief set name & filenames for specific dataset
-    dataset_name = get_dataset_tag(dataset_id)
-    if (dataset_id /= dataset_user) then
-        filename_in_common = get_dataset_param_filename(dataset_id)
-        filename_in = get_dataset_filename(dataset_id)
-    end if  
-    if (is_output_set == 0) filename_out = 'output-' // trim(dataset_name) // '.txt'
+    !call get_float("dataset.h"//C_NULL_CHAR, meteo_cell%h)
+    !call get_float("dataset.z0_m"//C_NULL_CHAR, meteo_cell%z0_m)
-    call run_sfx(dataset_id, model_id, filename_in_common, filename_in, filename_out, nmax)
-    call get_float("dataset.h"//C_NULL_CHAR, meteo_cell%h)
-    call get_float("dataset.z0_m"//C_NULL_CHAR, meteo_cell%z0_m)
@@ -411,5 +373,8 @@ program sfx_main
     !if (is_output_set == 0) deallocate( fn_out ) 
+    !< @brief running main driver
+    call run(sfx_args)
 end program
\ No newline at end of file