module diag_pbl contains subroutine get_hpbl_old(hpbla, kpbl, theta_v, z, z_surf, kl, cor, ustar) implicit none real, intent(in):: cor, ustar, z_surf integer, intent(in):: kl real, intent(in), dimension(KL):: theta_v, z real, intent(out):: hpbla integer, intent(out):: kpbl !local variabls real :: dz_low, hdyn, dz_hdyn, dz_conv integer:: k, kpbld, kpblc dz_low = z(kl) - z_surf hdyn = AMIN1(dz_low , 0.5E0 * ustar/cor) kpblc = kl kpbld = kl do k = kl-1,1,-1 dz_hdyn = dz_low - HDYN dz_conv = theta_v(k) - theta_v(kl) if(kpbld.EQ.kl .AND. dz_hdyn.GE.0.E0) kpbld = k if(kpblc.EQ.kl .AND. dz_conv.GT.0.E0) kpblc = k enddo kpbl = MIN0(kpblc, kpbld, KL-2) hpbla = z(kpbl) - z_surf end subroutine get_hpbl_old subroutine get_hpbl(hpbla, kpbl, theta_v, z, z_surf, kl, cor, ustar) implicit none real, intent(in):: cor, ustar, z_surf integer, intent(in):: kl real, intent(in), dimension(KL):: theta_v, z real, intent(out):: hpbla integer, intent(out):: kpbl !local variabls real :: dz_low, hdyn, dz_hdyn, dz_conv integer:: k, kpbld, kpblc dz_low = z(kl) - z_surf hdyn = AMIN1(dz_low , 0.5E0 * ustar/cor) kpblc = kl kpbld = kl do k = kl-1,1,-1 dz_hdyn = dz_low - HDYN dz_conv = theta_v(k) - theta_v(kl) if(kpbld.EQ.kl .AND. dz_hdyn.GE.0.E0) kpbld = k if(kpblc.EQ.kl .AND. dz_conv.GT.0.E0) kpblc = k enddo kpbl = MIN0(kpblc, kpbld, KL-2) hpbla = z(kpbl) - z_surf end subroutine get_hpbl subroutine diag_pblh_inmcm(z,thetav,lat,zs,ustar,kl,hpbl) ! This subroutine calculates height of the PBL above ground level according to INMCM algorithm ! input: ! z - array with heights above sea level ! zs - height of surface above sea level ! thetav - array with virtual potential temperatures ! lat - latitude ! ustar - ustar at the lowest model level ! kl - number of vertical levels !!! IMPORTANT: In INMCM model vertical levels start form the top of the atmosphere, so arrays should be organized accordingly ! output: ! hpbl - height of PBL implicit none integer,intent(in)::kl real,intent(in),dimension(kl)::z,thetav real,intent(in)::lat,zs,ustar real,intent(out)::hpbl real,parameter::omega=7.2921/(10**5) real,parameter::cormin=5.0/(10**5) real cor,yzkl,hdyn,ydelz,ydeltv integer KPBL,KPBLC,KPBLD,k cor = 2 * omega * sin (lat * 3.14 / 180) cor = max(cormin,abs(cor)) yzkl = z(kl)-zs hdyn = min(yzkl,0.5 * ustar/cor) ydelz = yzkl - hdyn if( KPBLD = kl-1 else KPBLD = kl endif KPBLC = kl do k=kl-1,1,-1 ydeltv = thetav(k) - thetav(kl) if( KPBLC = k enddo KPBL = min(KPBLC,KPBLD,KL-2) call get_hpbl(hpbl, kpbl, thetav, z, zs, kl, cor, ustar) !hpbl = z(KPBL) - zs return end subroutine diag_pblh_inmcm subroutine diag_pblh_rib(theta,z,u,kl,zs,hpbl,nkpbl) ! This subroutine calculates PBL depth according to (Troen and Mahrt 1986) as the lowest level where Rib>Ric ! Ric varies between 0.15 and 0.5 ! Rib = (g/theta0)*(theta(z)-theta(s))*z/u(z)**2 !input: ! theta - array with (virtual) potential temperature ! z - array with heights above sea level ! u - array with wind speed ! zs - height of surface above sea level ! kl - number of vertical levels ! output: ! hpbl - PBL height above ground level !!! IMPORTANT: In INMCM model vertical levels start form the top of the atmosphere, so arrays should be organized accordingly implicit none integer,intent(in)::kl real,intent(in),dimension(kl)::z,theta,u real,intent(in)::zs real,intent(out)::hpbl integer,intent(out)::nkpbl real,parameter:: g = 9.81 real,parameter:: Ric = 0.25 real,parameter:: theta0 = 300.0 real,parameter:: upper_bound = 6000 !upper boundary of PBLH real,dimension(kl)::Rib real du integer k,KPBL KPBL=kl do k=kl-1,1,-1 if(z(k).lt.upper_bound)then du = u(k)-u(kl) if(du.eq.0) du = 0.1 Rib(k) = (g / theta0) * (theta(k) - theta(kl)) * (z(k) - z(kl)) / (du**2) if(Rib(k).ge.Ric.and.KPBL.eq.kl)then KPBL = k if(KPBL.le.kl-2)then hpbl = z(k) - (z(k)-z(k+1))*(Rib(k)-Ric)/(Rib(k)-Rib(k+1)) else hpbl = z(k) endif endif endif enddo if(KPBL.eq.kl) hpbl=z(kl) hpbl = hpbl - zs nkpbl = kl - KPBL + 1 end subroutine diag_pblh_rib subroutine diag_pblh_rh(t,z,q,p,kl,zs,hpbl,nkpbl) ! This subroutine calculates PBL height as height where minimal gradient of relative humidity is found !input: ! t - air temperature (not potential) ! z - heights above sea level ! q - specific humidity ! p - pressure ! u - wind speed ! zs - height of surface above sea level ! kl - number of vertical levels; index of the lowest level ! output: ! hpbl - PBL height above ground level ! nkpbl - number of levels inside PBL !!! IMPORTANT: In INMCM model vertical levels start form the top of the atmosphere, so arrays should be organized accordingly implicit none integer,intent(in)::kl real,intent(in),dimension(kl)::t,z,q,p real,intent(in)::zs real,intent(out)::hpbl integer,intent(out)::nkpbl real,dimension(kl):: Es,rh real,parameter::E0 = 611.0 real,parameter:: upper_bound = 6000 !maximum PBLH integer i,j,k,KPBL real mindrh,drhdz Es(:) = E0*10**(7.45*(t(:)-273.15)/(235+t(:)-273.15)) rh(:) = 100*q(:)*p(:)/(0.622*Es(:)) KPBL=kl mindrh = 100.0 do k=kl-1,1,-1 if(z(k).lt.upper_bound)then drhdz = rh(k) - rh(k+1) if( KPBL = k mindrh = drhdz endif endif enddo hpbl = z(KPBL) - zs nkpbl = kl - KPBL + 1 end subroutine diag_pblh_rh end module diag_pbl