... | ... | @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ The complete **model archive** with sample input data: |
* [LAKE2.1.zip](/uploads/79b6a6772b02920f6046145580bfca91/LAKE2.1.zip) (salinity dynamics in ice cover is added)
* [LAKE2.2.zip](/uploads/ff8d297490a8c4603d037fcd42500210/LAKE2.2.zip) (input/output of control point added, minor bugs fixed)
* [LAKE2.3.zip](uploads/ef2109b0ad39f3c00715735a279e811c/LAKE2.3.zip) (commit 7d016e79 in gitlab repository, which is updated by testing at GNU Fortran 9.3.0 compiler; the model is adapted to simulate artificial reservoirs with high throughflow and water level variations; a model configuration for simulating the vertical structure of river flow is added)
* [LAKE2.4.zip](uploads/cfc05ee41701ee056bff985df3ad3f97/LAKE2.4.zip) (commit f29fb387 in repository; bugs related to $k-\epsilon$ model fixed, new b.c. options for $k-\epsilon$, Cuette-Poiseuille flow setup and turbulence closure added, methane production parameters are set specific for each sediment column, new output options)
When **publishing** results using LAKE2.0 please refer to:
... | ... | @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Stepanenko, V., Mammarella, I., Ojala, A., Miettinen, H., Lykosov, V., & Vesala, |
Any **questions** regarding LAKE model please address to Victor Stepanenko (stepanen(at)srcc.msu.ru)
* Iakunin, Maksim, Victor Stepanenko, Rui Salgado, Miguel Potes, Alexandra Penha, Maria Helena Novais, and Gonçalo Rodrigues. Numerical study of the seasonal thermal and gas regimes of the largest artificial reservoir in western europe using the LAKE 2.0 model. Geoscientific Model Development, 13(8):3475–3488, 2020. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-3475-2020
* Heiskanen, J. J., Mammarella, I., Ojala, A., Stepanenko, V., Erkkilä, K.-M., Miettinen, H., … Nordbo, A. (2015). Effects of water clarity on lake stratification and lake-atmosphere heat exchange. *Journal of Geophysical Research*, 120(15). http://doi.org/10.1002/2014JD022938
* Stepanenko, V. M., Machul’skaya, E. E., Glagolev, M. V., & Lykossov, V. N. (2011). Numerical modeling of methane emissions from lakes in the permafrost zone. *Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics*, 47(2), 252–264. http://doi.org/10.1134/S0001433811020113
* Stepanenko, V. M., Martynov, A., Jöhnk, K. D., Subin, Z. M., Perroud, M., Fang, X., … Goyette, S. (2013). A one-dimensional model intercomparison study of thermal regime of a shallow, turbid midlatitude lake. *Geoscientific Model Development*, 6(4), 1337–1352. http://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-6-1337-2013
... | ... | @@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ Any **questions** regarding LAKE model please address to Victor Stepanenko (step |
* Thiery, W., Stepanenko, V., Fang, X., Jöhnk, K., Li, Z., Martynov, A., … van Lipzig, N. (2014). LakeMIP Kivu: evaluating the representation of a large, deep tropical lake by a set of one-dimensional lake models. *Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography*, 66. http://doi.org/doi:10.3402/tellusa.v66.21390
* Volodina, E., Bengtsson, L., & Lykosov, V. N. (2000). Parameterization of heat and moisture transfer in a snow cover for modelling of seasonal variations of land hydrological cycle. *Russian Meteorology and Hydrology*, (5), 5–14.
* Степаненко В.М. (2018) Параметризация сейш для одномерной модели водоёма. *Труды Московского физико-технического института*. том 10, № 1, с. 97-111.
* В. М. Степаненко, М. Г. Гречушникова, and И. А. Репина. Численное моделирование эмиссии метана из водохранилища. Фундаментальная и прикладная климатология, 2:76–99, 2020.http://dx.doi.org/10.21513/2410-8758-2020-2-76-99
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