*[LAKE2.1.zip](/uploads/79b6a6772b02920f6046145580bfca91/LAKE2.1.zip)(salinity dynamics in ice cover is added)
*[LAKE2.2.zip](/uploads/ff8d297490a8c4603d037fcd42500210/LAKE2.2.zip)(input/output of control point added, minor bugs fixed)
*[LAKE2.3.zip](uploads/cd896ec63ac73fd443f2de18228047ab/LAKE2.3.zip)(commit 7d016e79 in gitlab repository; the model is adapted to simulate artificial reservoirs with high throughflow and water level variations; a model configuration for simulating the vertical structure of river flow is added)
*[LAKE2.3.zip](uploads/d4ee7e243db7ed6c8a36acd385277904/LAKE2.3.zip)(commit 7d016e79 in gitlab repository, tested at GNU Fortran 9.3.0 compiler; the model is adapted to simulate artificial reservoirs with high throughflow and water level variations; a model configuration for simulating the vertical structure of river flow is added)
When **publishing** results using LAKE2.0 please refer to: