diff --git a/plotter/Plotter.py b/plotter/Plotter.py
index 0620550482b05cd0670f30a04db60e6dace2776d..f1712975c26def90bacaf3d50469b075b00acfe6 100755
--- a/plotter/Plotter.py
+++ b/plotter/Plotter.py
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Plotter:
         if args.func != self.dump:
-            if args.func == self.plot or args.func == self.ani_plot:
+            if args.func == self.plot or args.func == self.ani_plot or args.func == self.multiple_plot:
                 self.ndim = 1
             elif args.func == self.plot_contour or args.func == self.ani_plot_contour:
                 self.ndim = 2
@@ -113,11 +113,31 @@ class Plotter:
         plt.xlabel(x_name, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
+        plt.xlabel(y_name, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
         if self.if_manual_plot: plt.show()
         else: plt.close(fig)
         if self.if_save_result: fig.savefig(self.out + self.oname[0])
+    def __multiple_plot(self):
+        os.system("mkdir -p " + self.out)
+        x_name = self.file_column_names[0]
+        fig = plt.figure()
+        for data in self.file_data:
+            for y_name in self.var:
+                plt.plot(data.data[x_name], data.data[y_name], linewidth=4)
+                plt.legend(self.filename)
+                plt.xlabel(x_name, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
+                plt.ylabel(y_name, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
+        if self.if_manual_plot: plt.show()
+        else: plt.close(fig)
+        if self.if_save_result: fig.savefig(self.out + self.oname[0])
     def __get_min_max_ax(self):
         min_max_var_vals = {var : [] for var in self.var}
@@ -432,4 +452,8 @@ class Plotter:
     def get_data(self):
         return_data = [copy.deepcopy(data.data) for data in self.file_data]
-        return return_data
\ No newline at end of file
+        return return_data
+    def multiple_plot(self):
+        self.__get_min_max_ax()
+        self.__multiple_plot()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plotter/__init__.py b/plotter/__init__.py
index 6f6cd904dbe1fcb47fa7a0ae93806d1634f5b0f8..4c896fe2aabf0f635ca1bd9ea0ce20792a179edc 100755
--- a/plotter/__init__.py
+++ b/plotter/__init__.py
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ from .main import ani_plot_contour
 from .main import avg_plot
 from .main import plot_diff
 from .main import get_data
+from .main import multiple_plot
diff --git a/plotter/main.py b/plotter/main.py
index 2d165cbf5d92460e2179e5ffe514f599de78622e..7c6eb6343eaaa888fda515923a0feb34f2802162 100755
--- a/plotter/main.py
+++ b/plotter/main.py
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ def plot(filename, out = './', oname = 'fig.png', var=[None], mval=[None], min_y
     Plot.set(args, if_manual_plot=manual_plot, if_save_result=save_result)
+def multiple_plot(filename, out = './', oname = 'fig.png', var=[None], mval=[None], min_y = None, max_y = None):
+    Plot = Plotter()
+    args = Args(filename, Plot.multiple_plot, var=var, mval=mval, oname=oname, out=out)
+    Plot.set(args, if_manual_plot=manual_plot, if_save_result=save_result)
+    Plot.multiple_plot()
 def ani_plot(filename, out = './', oname = 'fig.gif', var=[None], mval=[None], min_y = None, max_y = None):
     pp = str(PurePath(filename).parent) + '/'
     name = str(PurePath(filename).name )